My latest male crush is the late River Phoenix, who starred in films such as Stand By Me and My Own Private Idaho; two of my favourite movies.
I love everything about him to be honest. His name, his voice, his attitude to fame, his quiet and introverted personality.
He was often described as detesting the fame and attention that came through his Hollywood status; with Bill Barton explaining that 'he was a victim of the machine. The fame machine, the Hollywood machine, the selling machine and the money machine'. It breaks my heart that he had to die at such a young age; as a result of heavy drug use perhaps with the aim to try to escape from the spotlighted lifestyle he lived, but hated so much. RIP River.
'He often said he wished he could just be anonymous, but he never was. When he wasn't a movie star he was a missionary'
-Arlyn Phoenix
I adored him growing up...he was and still is my favourite actor. We weren't too far apart in age (although he was older than me) and I wanted to marry him, hahahahah. I was a funny girl. But, the way he acted was so real, each character became so alive because of his ability to turn into them. Such a shame that he was taken away from silly habits. Have a great Monday doll xx