3 things that stand out to me, from these pictures:
1. 'Who wants an easy life? It's boring."
I couldn't agree more. One of my greatest fears in life isn't dying, but instead it's not living. I don't want to just 'get by' life, and cruise through it. I want to always be doing things and whether I fail on not, or face hardships along the way at least I am trying new things, learning all the time and having experiences that I will remember, whether I like it or not, forever.
2. How cool would it be to be Kate Moss's daughter, Lila Grace Forget about the good genes you would inherit (which would definitely be a huge plus!) but instead think about the hand-me-downs you would own. All the best designer clothes would be at your disposal, and just sitting there, in your very own home. Ah.
3. Did any of you Aussies read the latest Russh? If you haven't, you are missing out on seeing the coolest model out, Hanne Gaby, style and model her own shoot. Flamboyant colours, thigh lace up boots and pink bell bottom pants (trust me-they are waaay cooler then they sound!). If that isn't a reason alone to get your hands on the latest issue, then I don't know what is!
Gorgeous images x